School News

How rapidly is real estate license education moving towards distance learning?

- Feb 16, 2011      Archive

Distance learning has come a long way into the real estate licensing process. Every state today does allow distance learning for continuing education. As for states allowing students to take a pre-license course by distance learning, ten states, including the District of Columbia, still do not approve students taking a distance learning courses to satisfy the pre-license education requirement. The states in this group are: Arizona, Connecticut, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island and South Carolina. There are a few states such as Idaho, Illinois and Iowa, that allow some of portion of the course requirements to be taught online but not the full course.

Pre-license education in real estate has been around for a little over a decade now and distance learning has continued to play a more and more importance roll in educating real estate licensees. As the technology platform for online education continues to improve and regulators continue to see the benefits of distance learning, the last holdout states, will certainly someday fall into the distance learning side.

For many students, this will certainly be a day for celebration when all the states accept the inevitable and allow distance learning. Since Cooke Real Estate School is licensed in a number of states, our school continually gets requests from students in the non-distance learning states for a distance learning course to obtain their real estate license. When the caller finds that their state does not allow distance learning, the caller becomes very disappointed. Let us hope this changes soon.

Frank L. Cooke, Jr.
Cooke Real Estate School